Revelation Online The First 30 Minutes Just Gameplay

GM2V Date: Nov/15/16 04:51:15 Views: 1343


Revelation Online is the modern MMORPG to use first closed beta. Made by NetEase and being brought west by My.Com, it is got further to go in relation to localization (much of the game is Russian and Chinese both). But this video provides good have a look at character creation, the opening story and tone, plus combat like a Swordmage.

Frankly, I (Bill) discover the game for being fun, but a mess of ideas and UI inconsistencies. It's immediately a stereotypical theme park, but additionally a free-to-roam PVP and sandbox-like experience. The problem is, in case you judge the action by this first a half-hour, it will eventually look like just a blatant clone of say Blade and Soul meets Aion.

Our final review obviously won't come until much later on in the overall game's official "Open Beta" launch, but whatever we see might be promising but obviously requiring a lot of rigorous localization work. Honestly, I hope English voices are cast later too. Even if they're done somewhat cheaply, I'm one of many players who doesn't like original Eastern VO.

Have you been playing Revelation Online's beta? What's your take?

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