Bless Online Steam Early Access Begins May 28th, 2018

GM2V Date: May/12/18 04:12:56 Views: 1984

Bless Online Steam Early Access Begins May 28th, 2018


Neowiz announced today that their highly anticipated buy to play fantasy MMORPG will be launching into early access on May 28th, 2018.


Early Access for Bless will be opening up at 10:00 AM PDT on May 30th. Those who purchase a founders pack will be able to start playing 2 days earlier on May 28th and 10:00 AM.


Founders packs are available at 3 price points:


Standard Edition - $39.99 - 2-day head start on EA, 30 days premium membership

Deluxe Edition - $69.99 - 2-day head start on EA, 60 days premium membership, 2450 Lumena, mount skin, pet skin

Collector's Edition - $199.99 - 2- day head start on EA, mentioned in credits, Premium Customer Service, "twinkling wing effect", 90 days premium membership, 3800 Lumena, mount skin, pet skin, costume skin, weapon skin


The game has undergone a lot of changes since it launched in South Korea and Russia with the Steam version featuring overhauled combat, performance optimizations, and much more. 


Other notable information


Cash shop will contain convenience items, like inventory slots.

Honor (PvP) points can be transferred into Lumena to purchase cash shop items.

The cash shop was hidden during the event.

The game may come out of early access within 6 - 12 months.

NA servers will be in Virginia, EU servers will be in Frankfurt.

The arena will be open three times per day, at pre-determined times. These times are not yet confirmed.

Auction house will have upper and lower limits on bids.

No trading between players.

Items can be transferred between your own accounts.

You can both autopath and autoloop to get around.