News And Guides
NBA 2K23 Dribbling Controls List

Here's a breakdown of all the dribble controls in NBA 2K23 on Current and Next Gen.

Lost Ark: How the current version can earn more Gold?

Gold in the world of Lost Ark has always played a significant role in players' lives. Without it, you won't be able to buy/sell things at auction and perform some other actions. With the addition of Tier 3 gear, gold has taken on an even more significant role, as it is now used for enchanting at certain stages.

Competing Day Big win party and also greatest 3-point shooter launched in NBA 2K

NBA 2K22 MyCAREER has an party for members to go to and even represent their partnership. Competi

How to complete the Lost Ark Magic Melody Sleeping Island Fairy quest?

Where can I get the magic melody of the Lost Ark? This may be an issue for one or another player currently on the It's Okay, Dear Fairy quest on the sleeping island. In the Sleepy Island Fairy quest, you not only have to find the three fairies and give the correct answer and Lost Ark Gold

What hurdle prizes reside in the brand new time of year of NBA 2K22?

With the main begin of "Absolutely no Gravity," NBA 2K has indeed released all new obstacles and rewards

Lost Ark: The complete guide to engravings and how to get them!

The Lost Ark engravings are an integral part of the game, and you need to know how to use them at the end of the game. Luckily, we've got you covered. In this guide, we will talk about what is engravings, class engravings, and how to get them!

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